Wednesday, July 16, 2014

My Stinky Pits. A little TMI to start your day

so. i sweat.

a LOT.

It's ridiculous.  I've gone through what I feel like is every brand of deodorant out there.  I've made my own,   I've also seen specialist and they've prescribed me different types.  The prescription works for me...BUT, i know that it's FULL of chemicals, and STRONG ones.

So, i know that it's not bad for someone to sweat, it's a natural process. BUT, what's embarrassing is when that sweat STINKS!!  It's awful to have to go through several shirts a day b/c you feel like you're extra stinky!!

So, let me introduce you to my little friend:

I had seen that a few drops of this diluted with some coconut oil under your pits was supposed to work wonders.  I LOVE my oils, but after MANY MANY fails with my "stink" i wasn't hopeful.

Well, one week later and i'm THRILLED with how this is working!!! Am i still sweating? Yes!! NOT AS MUCH and when I do sweat, IT DOESN'T STINK!!!!  

I'm so happy to have found something all natural that helps!!  

This oil is pretty inexpensive too! ($24!)

It's not just for stinky pits either.  It's GREAT for bug bites, for cleaning any "stinky" thing (dishwasher, moldy laundary machine,etc)  It's great for cuts and wounds and it disinfects!  I like to diffuse it when someone in my house has been sick.

and feel free to email me questions!

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