Wednesday, June 5, 2013

For the Love of Quinoa.

I use this little beauty a TON.  And if you don't, you should start! :)

First off..what is Quinoa?
Quinoa is not a grain.  Although the texture and feel resemble eating rice.   quinoa is one of the only "complete" proteins.  Meaning it contains all 9 amino acids that are essential to make a "protein"  

What's so great about it?
Firstly, It has MORE protein per serving then most meat.  And even meat, though high in protein, isn't a Complete protein, like quinoa is. 

Secondly, Quinoa is VERY high in fiber!!  It has double the fiber that you'd find in brown rice!

Thirdly, Quinoa contains Iron, and is rich in magnesium.  This food is GREAT for people who don't eat meat, or much meat because of the iron content!

And lastly, it is SO VERSATILE! 
It is easy to cook, and it takes on the taste of what you cook it in! 
Here are 3 links to some of my FAVORITE recipes that include quinoa- as of late!

1. see below post for Quinoa pizza!!!

2. Quinoa Burger!

3. Quinoa and Turkey Meatballs!  (this includes both meat and Quinoa.  PROTEIN POWERHOUSE! :)

Feel free to leave questions if you have any!  I have tons of quinoa suggestions if your new to it and would like some help! 

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